Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Applying Theory to Practice

You influence people everyday regardless of your intent. For this project you want to influence your group members in a postive and productive way. What is something that you can conduct to your group that will allow you to act as a leader but also a team player? Select a project that is meaningful, creative, insightful, and important to you. Be sure that all group members will be able to accomplish a common goal and build team unity! Discuss with your classmates what your ideas are and what you wish to accomplish. Be sure to give insightful feedback to each other about their ideas.


  1. One thought i had was teaching the star pattern drill with a basketball. Or we each get to draw part of a picture...thats just some of the ideas i had.

  2. i was thinking about making a gift basket thing and donate it to either a hopital or a nuring home. Each group member would have to make a basket and put things in the basket that would mean a lot to either patients in a hopital of the elderly at the nursing home. We would also write a letter as a group and put one in each basket.
    Connie A :)

  3. sarah i like your idea about drawing a picture, becausee it will be a good way to see what each indvidual would draw. But what will you do with the drawings?
    Connie A :)

  4. I was thinking about somehow getting addresses of soldiers and either each writing letters or parts of letters to them or sending care packages to them and each putting something small in.I think we could each write something special and i think the soldiers would really enjoy that too.But I would like to hear some feedback!

  5. Connie,
    I love your idea! And since I am in your group that works out really well!I think we could really have fun and get to know the other members of our group better!

  6. The only things I could come up with was teaching my group a dance routine because right now I'm learning Thriller or also baking something like cookies or cupcakes as a group and bringing them to the people in the Benedictine Health center and spending a little time over there to brighten their day.
    ~Katie M

  7. Connie, I really liked your idea about bringing something to a nursing home or hospital. That is kind of what gave me my idea. People who have to stay in those places for any amount of time must get lonely and bored so they would probably love having company!
    ~Katie M

  8. One idea I thought of was, doing a food collection and bringing the food to a church.

    Another idea is, collecting old clothes or toys and donating them to a homeless shelter or a "Goodwill."


  9. Katie -
    I really like your idea about baking cookies or cupcakes and bringing them to the BHC. I think that would really make their day!

    - Kara

  10. An idea I came up with is to plant a apple tree and the apples would be another source of food for the animals. I think it would be a good project because we all could help put the tree in and it could help the environment. What do you think group?
    Jeff Cozzi

  11. I am thinking about making a blanket or a couple different blankets and donating them to charity or people who really need them because its almost winter and its getting really cold out side.
    Sara M.

  12. i was thinking of making some sort of food that i usually make with my family for the holidays but can not this year because i dont live with them

  13. Since I am from Ukraine I was thinking about preparing one of the Ukrainian traditional dishes
    and bring it to a sister's dining room for dinner. The dish that I am thinking about is a famoust ukrainian salad. I need some feedback about it. Please!

    Maria V.

  14. Jeff-
    I really like your idea about planting the apple trees. I think that would be a very interesting project for a group.

    Maria V

  15. one thing that i was thinking about teaching is how to make a cheesecake. i can have some people mix the crust and some people of my group work on the topping. what do you think?

  16. maria, i like your idea about your dish. it would be interesting to see what other people eat

  17. maria-
    i think your idea is really good because it will give us a chance to learn about your heritage. it would also be nice to share it with the sisters. :)

  18. The idea I came up with I got from community day. I thought it would be a great idea to do more of what we did that day. We could clean up our environment like removing garbage in the ditches or clearing fallen trees across trails to keep our environment safer and cleaner for everyone. What do u think?

  19. I like your ides snyder =) I think it would be a great way to display teamwork to complete a common goal like finishing the cheese cake. Could I help too? or at least help eat it? =)

  20. One of my ideas is to have a Story narration : Each member of a group is given a pictures, which is not revealed to the others. As each member's turn comes they have to unfold the picture and contribute to the creation of a story based on all the pictures held by the members of the group.
    I found this on Google and thougt it looked fun :)

  21. Jeff

    I really like your idea!!!! Where would we plant the tree and where can we get it?

  22. Oh I have another idea, what if we did something for the member in our group who is not at school at the moment? we could make card or cookies or something. that would help us grow as a team and show suport for one of our team members. thoughts?


  23. i don't really have any good ideas.. ah maybe make cards for our friends or teachers just to brighten their days, or for community day i cleaned out a donation room, and i'm sure they could use more help. this might be hard though to get my group there outside of class. we could also maybe make pink ribbons and hang them around the school in support of breast cancer awareness.

  24. I really like your idea connie, i was kinda thinking about something like that too, i've made those in the past. I was in a sewing class and i made gloves and hats and a bunch of winter stuff.

    Becca i like your idea too! When i was in middle school one of my classes we would always send stuff like that over seas to soldiers because our teachers son was in the army. I think thats a good one.

  25. I had a hard time of thinking of good ideas. With the same as Cassandra I went to help out at the same place, and to go back or to show my group about that place and what kind of things they do there would mean alot because i think its really important.

  26. I was thinking of making a cake and everyone in the group could take a part in making/baking it. I think it would be a good way to get everyone to communicate togther and plus we could eat it afterwards! :)

  27. I couldn't think of too many ideas that haven't already been mentioned, but I really like the idea about just going out and picking up trash is simple but important. I think that cooking a cake or dish is a sweet idea too.

  28. I was thinking that since I am from Louisiana that i could make a cajun dish and then tell some history about cajun life and foods.

    Connie I like your idea even though you are not in my group. I have made baskets too and its fun and then giving them away is good too.The elder and the sick would greatly appreciate them as wel;l.

  29. So one thing i was thinking is like everybody in the group takes there favorite color and wee combine them all and make a braclet or anklet or something. That's all i got i'm not sure if it seems lame or what so i dunno.

    joe v

  30. I totally just came up with a new cool idea. Not that anyone will probably read this, but it's Samaritan's Purse program called Operation Christmas Child. We fill shoeboxes with all kinds of items for kids and then we put in anote and send them to countries in Africa dn South America and all over the world. I can't believe I forgot about this. It's an awesome thing!

  31. My idea for my group was either to make bracelets that would show how we are all different in many ways and what we brought to the table. Or i was going to do the activity were you put a blindfold on someone and then someone guides them to see if they have trust of each other.
    Sammi K

  32. I am thinking of showing my group how to make diapers out of old t-shits. After you make them you can bring them to the synod office where my dad works and they will send them to africa and other places where people can't afored diapers.

  33. connie-
    I think that would be fun to do. It will be fun to customize your basket, and will be a good way to give to the community.
