Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly Minutes (Week One)

Theme: Firework
~Let your colors burst! (Slogan)
~Have every color (each color represent a disability?)
~Have a moment of silence and light candles
~Glow in the dark bracelets (Jake H?)
~I <3 all abilities bracelets
~Shirts black with a big colorful firework
*slogan on back?

Jake H
Maggie D

Down Syndrome

Jake T

Mental Health

Learning Disabilities
Maggie C

Fundraising: Talk to Pat Hagen and Student Senate and see how much money we can get

Jake T
Jake H

Advertising: find out how much it costs for local advertising

Maggie D
Jake T
Maggie C

Food/Dec.Food/Dec: look for possible locations

~Facebook Page

~Advertising: find out how much it costs for local advertising
~Food/Dec: look for possible locations
~Fundraising: talk to Pat Hagen and Student Senate and see how much money we can get
~Define your disability
~Each committee get together this week
~Comment on blog, why did you pick the committee you did? What can you bring to the table?


  1. I chose to be on the decorating and food committee because I like to decorate things and I think I'm a pretty creative person. I redecorate my room and bathroom all the time and I think it's fun. I didn't want to be on the other committees because I'm kind of a quiet person when I'm around people I don't really know. My boyfriends dad also owns Northland Foods so that will hopefully come in handy. I think it will be fun to pick out what foods to have and set it all up and make the place look good and all that good stuff.

    Kristin Sorensen

  2. Since I have never really participated in any type of event that has needed advertising I thought it would be fun to try out my advertising skills. I have no idea what to expect or how smoothly this is going to go, but I am willing to embark on this new adventure of advertising and hopefully I can learn a thing or two.

    Maggie Carlson

  3. The reason I chose to be a part of the fundraiser committee was because I want to expand my abilities. I would have been very comfortable being a part of the advertising or food/decoration committees, but by going outside of the areas I am adequate in, I hope to develop lifelong skills of effective communication, especially those of persuading & explaining. I think this will be a very interesting, if not empowering, semester!

    Mary Schmidt~

  4. In choosing the food/decorating committee I knew it would be a good choice for me. I like projects because I always have a vision in mind of the final product and seeing it all come together is really what I look forward to. I also feel that I have a lot of ideas to share for most of the ideas of what type of event we would have. I'm nervous but mostly excited for this semester and seeing everyones' hard work and teamwork turning out an incredible event.

  5. I picked food and decorating because I thought that it would be a fun thing to do and I could be creative. I like doing hands on things so I thought this would be the perfect choice for me. Im sure its going to be a lot of work, and probably will be frustrating at times if a decoration im doing doesnt turn out like I want it too, but Im wiling to take that risk with this project. I am creative and enjoy making decorations so I think this will be fun!

    Nikki Darker

  6. I choose advertising because I think it would be fun to go around and tell everyone what we are doing. I'm really excited for this whole deal. But I also love decorating so if they need any help just let me know. And I know someone who makes shirts so depending on what she'd charge I can also look into it!

  7. The reason why I chose the decorating and food committee was because I like being behind the scenes, but yet I still get to help prepare. I really enjoy decorating, so this project should be fun. I just thought that I would would mention that my mom has a printing business, and she said she would be able to get us a good deal on shirts if we would like to :)

  8. I chose the Fundraising Committee because I knew that I had not only the ability but the courage to raise and earn some money. I also knew not a lot of people in our dignitas would want to because it is an awkward and challenging job. What I can bring to the table with this committee is the fact that I had to fundraise all the time in High School for my sports and music department. I sold candy, chocolates, magazines, chicken stir fry tickets, etc and raised a bunch of money. So I'll use the tips I gained then and use them now.

  9. The reason why I choose advertising is because I am very out going and a friendly person. Therefore I thought I would be good at going up to people and filling them in on what we are doing. I could also sit out in storms and try to pass stuff out and just be friendly so they pay more attention! I also think I can come up with some more creative ideas to get the word out to everyone! I can't wait to get started :)

    Maggie Dolan
