Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Presenation Requirements

Applying Theory to Practice

Individual and Group Assignment
Presentation to Class #3

Due: Week 15 groups will present to the class

Now that all projects has been presented, it is time to reflect on what happened and how successful you feel the projects went. The finished result of the projects should be a successful outcome where all group members could participate, inject their opinions and thoughts, and finally complete the project successfully. Select one project that your group feels met all the criteria of the assignment and brought all team players together to accomplish a common goal. This project will be presented to the entire class. Keep in mind, this does not mean that each member did not complete a meaningful and successful project.

Assignment Criteria

Your purpose was is to now create and organize a presentation that demonstrates the selected project and why it was meaningful and beneficial to your group. Clearly explain in detail the process of your project (what, how, where, why) and what all group members accomplished. Follow the guide below to help you create your presentation.

1. Why does the group feel the research you conducted for your project that was most beneficial and educational? Was more information needed? What could have been added? What could have been omitted? What was perfect? What would your group do differently next time?
• Explain the project and how it was presented to the group.
• What was the goal? Did all group members understand this goal? Did the goal get changed as you all worked together to complete the project?
• What did group members learn? What responses were stated so that this was known.
• Why was this project successful? (what,why,how)

2. The second step is to explain step –by- step how the project was led.
• How was the project planed and organized so all group members understood the task at hand?
• Did the collection of information help complete the project (references etc.) Why?
• How did the information collected contribute to the project? Did it help group members understand the projects goal better?
• Include your collection of tools in your presentation and explain how they enhanced your project. Visual aids (power points, DVD’s, handouts, game pieces, materials, etc.)
• Include specific directions given to group member to complete this project ( goals, roles & responsibilities, rules and methods)

3. The third step is a visual aid to show students what happened. You can create a power point with video clips, create a poster board, or other creative ideas that you have to enhance your presentation. You must have at least one visual aid.
• This visual aid needs to be creative, informative, captivating, and set up so that all students can clearly see the information.

Your Name
Dignitas 1101

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