Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog #12: The Beauty Within, Finding it in ourselves so we can find it in others

Information taken from:

What each of us keep bottled up inside is a great determinant of what we put out for others to see. Most times it does not talk of who or what we really are but shifts attention from what we truly want to that other flaw that we want to suppress.

Our temper, our mind disposition even our state of mind or intellectual ability often comes to war with what we want to put out there as society demands. What the society wants us to put out is what brings most of us down and makes us think less of ourselves.

What we fail to see is that inner beauty that exists within you. The being that is rooted deep in us is what we should use as a big part or our life. Finding that inner beauty is an issue that most of us has to deal with most days.

In us, we possess a great power or presence that we most times overlook because we want to make something out of ourselves to make people look differently at us.

Our inner being makes us who we really are and no matter how long we fight it, it will always come out. Our inner being is as strong as a wind after a heavy rain that always makes its presence felt even after the downpour.

In some of us, we find id difficult to see it and these leads many people to live a life that is devoid of peace, happiness and they see the worst in everything.
To come to peace with yourself, these are the ways at which you can bring out that TRUE beauty in you that people should see. These ways are:

Most people do not see that reason or logic behind this. They believe it is a waste of time. Meditation is a way of opening your mind and soul to everything that is real. It is a way of riding yourself of all fantasies so that you can come to peace with who you are and throw out what you want to pretend to be just to be well liked. Meditation allows you to open up your third eye to see everything that is good about you and your life.

This involves finding what makes you happy and sticking to it by making it an integral part of you at all times and all ways possible. Most research indicates that people that find something to do with their time have less time to worry about what others see in them that are faulty or less useful. It does not have to be what we love. It just have to be what can make a good impression on other people.

People dig holes for themselves when they feel something is not going as expected and they see nothing good in themselves. Self-affection is what everyone must have to make it possible for you to push yourself to become a better person. You must always do something to make yourself happy. Do things that bring that beauty in you. Everything falls into place when you have a peace in your mind. Your inner beauty is what makes this something possible to do. Your inner being is what allows you to see the beauty in your ways and in what you find joy in doing no matter how stupid others might think it is.

A dedicated person does not have any problem excelling in what they do. They are just reeking of beauty all around them that people does not notice those bad things they do. When you are dedicated to your job; to your family, to your career; it makes you a happy person because all your expectations are met. The peace you feel in your inner consciousness makes it possible for you to do everything at peace. It has no serious hard work to it just the mind that everything is going well and as it should be.

Your inner beauty is what makes your spirit soar when you feel a little depression setting in. When you allow a portion of your life to be dedicated to your spiritual being the result is a feeling that stays with you for a long time. It makes you a fulfilled person and you also see yourself in a way you have never seen yourself. You seem like a new happier person.

I can go on and on but I believe what has been written is enough to makes us rethink what we see within ourselves. People are always out to bring you down, but let what beauty you feel make them think twice and learn from you.

I know the questions I am going to have you address this week may sound a bit cheesy and you may roll your eyes, but lets get serious and think about what makes us beautiful. Really Beautiful? Physical beauty exists in the eyes of the beholder. So, what is beautiful? Ever meet someone and think they are so beautiful, but the more you get to know them their beauty decreases or vice versa? We begin to lose our physical beauty as we age, but our inner beauty continues to grow. How are you beautiful? What makes you beautiful? How do you think seeing your own beauty can help you see the beauty of others? How can this become a process for acceptance, respect and tolerance of others?


  1. Truthfully...... I really hate to think how or if I am beautiful. No matter if someone tells me I am beautiful, I appreciate the compliment but I don't like it for some reason. I am the kind of person that finds the beauty in everyone around me. I am not really sure why I do this but when I can make the people that are close to me or even those who aren't, it makes me very happy.
    I have defiantly meet the kind of person that walks by and you say wow they are beautiful. Then you start to get to know them and they aren't as beautiful as you thought. Its strange how that works. I have also meet the opposite kind of people too. The thing is I would rather have a friend that has the beautiful inside. They are just way more fun to hang out with.
    I guess i think I am beautiful because I am the kind of person that cares way to much for the people around, and yes sometimes that kicks me in the butt, however I would rather care to much then not care to much. No matter where or when a friend or loved one needs help I will drop everything for them, so that probably fits too. I also try to be as strong as I can for others, so for me this means putting others in front of me and trying not to cry in front of people too. I think trying to do something means your working on your inner beauty. I also am very dedicated to what ever I am doing at time!
    When someone walks tall and believes they are beautiful, they have a presence with them that you can really see. A lot of people will believe it if you believe it! This also can bring respect because you are respecting your self so it shows people they should respect you too.

    Maggie Dolan

  2. Wow…this is a tough one. I believe that I have some great qualities, but I don’t like to use the word “beautiful” to describe them. The word that I would prefer to use is “positives” because “beauty” is never something that I would choose to describe myself as because I have never really looked at myself as being beautiful. Instead of the “beautiful” I would prefer to use multiple other adjectives to describe myself and generalize them as positives. Some adjectives would be: smart, ambitious, funny, understanding, hardworking, etc. By being able to see the positives in myself will only help me see the positives in others because I know that my self-esteem is high enough that I don’t need to bring down anyone else. So instead of seeing someone else through eyes of jealousy, I am able to pick out their positives and it will only help me understand that person better. A major reason to why I think that people bring other people down is because they don’t have a very high self-esteem and they are in fact jealous of the other person. So to make themselves feel better they bring down the other person to their esteem level. When people start to see their own positives, it will help their self-esteem which in turn will not cause them to bring other people down, and they will learn to respect and tolerate other people’s positives.

    Maggie Carlson

  3. Maggie Dolan,

    I feel the same as you do when using the term “beautiful.” I will of course accept the compliment, but if it were up to me I would not call myself “beautiful.” I am also more about a person’s inner beauty over their outer beauty because inner beauty is what really makes the person. Another thing that I do the same as you is that I like to see positives in everyone because if I am only going to look at the negatives, I am not going to get anywhere in life and it will make working with other people very difficult.

    Maggie Carlson

  4. I believe that inner beauty is a lot more important than outer beauty. Outer beauty only takes you so far.. inner beauty takes you so much farther. I have seen many times someone who has the outer beauty, but then once you get to know them better, the beauty sadly starts to disapear. Usually this is because you realize they don't have very much inner beauty. Some people get it to much to their head that they are good looking, and just take it too far. Or else you may meet someone who seems like they have a lot of inner beauty and as you get to know them better you realize that they don't. I have also experienced the opposite. Sometimes you don't expect as much as a person has to offer. Some people are just great and seem to have all the inner beauty that you didn't at first see. I think what makes me beautiful is how caring I am. I appreciate all people and I love to help and be there for people. I work as a CNA and love working with all the older people. I would do anything for the ones that I love. If you acknowledge your own beauty it helps you to see others because you are more aware to what they have to offer, and what makes them beautiful in their own unique way. We all learn to accept each others individual beauty. You will always have your inner beauty.

    Kristin Sorensen

  5. I have always used beautiful as a means of describing inner beauty. I think it is my parents and community that I have to thank for this. Words that describe outer appearance include pretty, cute, hot, and gorgeous.
    I know that I am beautiful. It makes me sad when I read that others in the class do not consider themselves beautiful. We are all beautiful in our own unique, perfect ways. I see beauty as having a good heart, and good intentions. This may be a strange way to see it but to me, these characteristics make you beautiful. Appearance is simply not part of the equation.
    I have met those people that were described. However, I usually say they are pretty or gorgeous as I previously described. Even with these characteristics instead of beautiful, I still see their attractiveness increase or decrease depending on their personality, or inner beauty. If someone has a bad heart, they are not beautiful and their attractiveness no longer matters.
    I think the things that make me beautiful are that I am a dedicated person, I always try to do the right thing, I am a happy person, I love getting to know people, and I have a big heart.
    I feel that it is very important to see beauty in yourself so that you can see it in others. It is a bit like the phrase "you can't be with someone until you can be with yourself." Loving yourself will only help you to love others. It will aid you in accepting, respecting, and tolerating those who are different.

    Michelle Fischer

  6. Splitting the blog:

    Beauty, to me, comes in many forms. I don’t think it is fair to say that all beautiful people are not beautiful on the inside, but as Monica said, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. We all SEE beauty differently, but I also think that the beauty within is understood similarly. Inner beauty, or beauty of the heart, soul, &/or mind, is more lasting than physical beauty as long as you take the time to foster those traits within yourself. I have met people of all types of beauty, inner & outer, on all different levels. Diversity even displays various types of inner & outer beauty. Our world is incredibly beautiful if we would only take the time to look & listen.

  7. What makes me beautiful? For a large part of my life I struggled with questions of this sort. I suffered a lot because I was so confused. I spent most of my life telling myself that there was nothing beautiful about me. I felt pretty hideous which unfortunately caused me to contract some painful self-image issues. Thank God, I have escaped from that nightmare. What I learned during that journey was life-changing. I used to focus on how people see me, but I now understand that no one can live that way & claim to be truly happy. So, what makes me beautiful? I guess I have to say that my heart is my best quality. I feel very powerfully about many things as if there is a flame of determination within me. The other quality that I think is fairly commendable is my perseverance. I’ve almost lost so many battles, but somehow I have survived the unthinkable (to me anyhow), thank God. & I have a pretty interesting thought process as well, one that is not conventional or even normal. I think that we must acknowledge our own unique beauty if we truly with to appreciate the beauty of others. I spent a lot of time trying to look at only others’ beauty, but I left myself starving for affirmation. It hurt & it caused me to miss some of the best things about other people…I regret that, but I’ve learned from it. The best advice I can give about this is that you have to learn to accept yourself for WHO you are or else you’ll always be missing something. “You can’t help others until you help yourself.” That statement is incredibly true. If you can acknowledge your beauty, you will be far more capable to accept & tolerate others. It is impossible not to pity yourself if you live believing that you aren’t beautiful in any way. Everyone needs that affirmation of beauty & once it comes we can open our hearts in so many ways. Believe me…Anyway, I hope everyone learns something about their self in college that will help them to see how they are beautiful!

  8. Outer beauty is what draws us to an indivdual but inner beauty makes you wanna stay and be with them also inner beauty can draw you to some one too. Outer beauty to my great grandmother was looked at as a flaw she also said they wont find true Love until there outer beauty is gone and the person they are with will like them for who they are and not how they look. Im got going to say im beautiful thats not for me to decide. But what makes me who I am is the fact that I love my family they have alwasy been great to me they call me all the time, even in class. I also call them all the time. I know I am a very different person I say really "dorky" things as my sister and friends put it.
    If you have inner beauty you show respect to everyone no matter who they are. Its just part of having inner beauty. And inner beauty is a contagious thing. If you are raised or around people with alot of inner beauty you pick it up. You can also gain it as you get older. THe person I know with the most inner beauty is my grand father. He says hello to everyone, smiles at everyone, and never says anthing mean about or to anyone unless it is one of his grand children being mean. He does even yell he just gives you words of wisdom that help you calm down.

  9. Kristin-
    I agree with what you said about people having alot of outer beauty and get it in their head that they dont need inner beauty because of how they look. But looks fade and inner beauty is what keeps people and friends around you.

  10. When I was reading this I thought of the tv show "True Beauty". In this show, people who are very attractive in appearance are put through a series of tasks to test not only their outer beauty, but also their inner beauty. For example, they would think they were being photographed for a huge billboard and the best looking photo of the group won, but they were actually being tested on how well they treated the photographer and the people around them. People who are stunningly attractive are not necessarily the most beautiful people in the world. Yeah they catch ur eye, but can they keep it is the question? I believe that True beauty lies within the way that you treat others and they way that you carry yourself. I see myself as a beautiful person because I am brutally honest but in a respectful way. I don't bottle up my feelings or let them out in an unnecessary manner. I am confident but not cocky. In my opinion, these qualities are important to have in order to make/keep relationships with others. People can be very beautiful on the outside, but it can only get them so far. Inner beauty is what matters and what really gets you places in life.

    Tia Lindberg

  11. lnoyes-
    "Outer beauty is what draws us to an indivdual but inner beauty makes you wanna stay..."

    I agree with this statement completely. I was drawn to this guy a few years ago because he was very attractive. He was a hottie with a body as some might say. Once I got to know him I didn't care how attractive he was on the ouside because his inner beauty didn't fall through. He was very cocky and self-conceided. Someone has to have inner beauty to make you want to stay around.

    Tia Lindberg

  12. Usually when you first see someone a lot of people will judge if they are beautiful or not. The outer beauty someone may have could be great but I believe the inner beauty is what counts. Having the looks can only get you so far in life. If you do not have the inner beauty of being nice to people, being polite and just the good qualities will take you so much farther then you think. Yeah some people get it stuck in their head that they are so much better looking then others and are really cocky about it and it just shows that they lack inner beauty. I have
    Met people before who I didn't think were the best of looking and once I really got to know them It totally changed my view on everything. Just the big hearts that people can have can change the way you look at someone so much. This also goes the other way around as well, if you think someone is good looking on the outside and once you get to know them More you realize that they aren't the best thing because they lack with their inner beauty a lot.

    Nikki darker

  13. Beauty is different in every person. I don't think that I can describe beauty unless I really know the person. Beauty comes from both inside and out. My ex boyfriend had a lot of both inner and outer beauty which made me fall for him at the time and his personality made him that much more attractive in both ways.It made me realize what true beauty is and I think that he is a great example of it. This has been one of my experiences with beauty. I also see beauty in my family members and in my best friend. I think that I am beautiful in many different ways. I am beautiful because I know who I am and what I believe in. My friends and family bring out the best of my beauty because they are the ones that mean the most to me and they know how to make me happy. I think seeing my own beauty helps me see the beauty in others because I know that everyone has their own inner beauty. Although I may not see or know what their inner beauty is, I know it's there. This can be a process for acceptance because if people realize that everyone has their own inner beauty in different ways it will make people less judgemental.

  14. When thinking about this question I thought of the saying, looks can be deceiving. In some cases I believe this saying. Someone may be very beautiful on the outside, but the more you get to know them, you find out they are not beautiful on the inside in some ways. This may be too broad because everybody is beautiful inside in different ways.Maybe you didn't see this inner beauty because it wasn't under the right circumstances, or the two didn't have a friendly connection. There are also stereotypes on men and women who are beautiful on the outside. Some people have the stereotype that these people will be needy or stuck-up—this may not be true until you get to know them. I think I am beautiful because I believe in my inner beauty. It may be a difficult task for some people to find this within themselves, but they should know that it’s there. There are many, many different forms of inner beauty—they all make us who we are. Sharing my inner beauty may help this person look within themselves, and maybe then they will see they may have the same beauty as I do.

    Lauren Scharp

  15. Krista-
    I am the same way you are. My inner beauty really seems to shine when I am around people that I’ve known for a while. They know the most about me, and truly know how I “operate.” When I first meet someone, I’m usually pretty shy and don’t say much. But when I am around my family and friends, I feel more comfortable and can my happy, talkative, giggly self. I really wish I wasn’t shy so I can be like this all the time! But I try :)

  16. I personally feel that we all are attracted to outer beauty but then once again, our inner beauty keeps us closer to each other. I don’t like thinking myself as beautiful because I feel like I’m not. But I do think that I’m very beautiful inside because I have a strong heart and I enjoy helping people. I’ve always been told by my dad that I have a beautiful gift and that is laughing. I talk, joke, laugh and smile a lot. I don’t like when I’m surrounded by sad people because I’d rather feel happy or crack a joke than stand there with that empty feeling. Meeting a person and thinking their pretty and then finding out what they really are about then that’s a no no. I don’t believe that when you get old you lose your beauty. Total false in my mind. My grandma is 78 and she’s still looking good no doubt in my mind. I believe if I accept myself the way I am and I truly do then I wouldn’t have a problem accepting anybody else. I enjoy meeting new people and that’s a part of my beauty. I don’t hang out with one group of friends. I have many different groups and I enjoy it.

    Kayla Heisler

  17. Response to Krista-

    "I am beautiful because I know who I am and what I believe in"

    That's a very strong statement Krista, I'm with you on this one.
    I know what you mean and feel the same exact way and it feels good that our families, friends and defiantly our teams (your high school team) can bring the best out of us.

    Kayla Heisler

  18. The definition of beautiful is- having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc... Beautiful to me is exactly that. Its not just about someones physical attributes or just their personality, it's whatever I think is beautiful. Personally I think there are many beautiful things, especially the snow. Everyone can see a pretty girl/boy and say "yeah they are beautiful" or something along those lines but unless they know who they are, their values, and personality I do not think they can be called beautiful. Beautiful is a combination of everything that you are. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and until they come to accept the face that they are beautiful I do not think they can see true beauty in everyone else.

  19. Response to Katelyn

    I really like your definition of beautiful, I totally think that having good qualities do give great satisfaction. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and they show it in many different ways and if its not on the outside then the inner beauty is what is really going to make them a beautiful person.
    Nikki Darker.

  20. I really like what Maggie said in her blog. I feel kind of the same way. You see everyday someone who is physically beautiful and you want to get to know the person. Well in some cases you get to know them and the turn out to be a stuck up person, or not a beautiful person at all. I think the it all comes from inside. The realtionships that you see last for years after years are people who love each other for whats on the inside.
    As for the question what makes me beautiful? I dont really know. I guess i consider myself a person who feels for everyone. I like to do things for others to make them happy. It's tough because I dont look at myself as beautiful in really anyways. I basically just like to help people out and try to be kind to as many people as I can.
    Seeing the beauty in ourselves can lead to us being confident people who know what we want and are all about. It doesnt mean we have to be the most attractive physically but knowwing what we have on the inside will help us look for the things other people have to offer. This can lead to a new freind or having a long term relationsip with someone.

  21. Tia-
    I really like what you had to say about being confident but not cocky. Carrying yourself in a condfident matter can lead to people doing the same thing around you. People attract to someone who is confident and fun to be around, but not stuck up and cocky.

  22. I love the honesty of your responses! Keep it up!

  23. Lauren said:
    "Maybe you didn't see this inner beauty because it wasn't under the right circumstances..."

    My response:
    That's a very good point. This seems to happen a lot. Everyone has some type of inner beauty, but it's the circumstances that allow one to express it. If we see something we dislike in someone & then assume that they are completely worthless in that aspect, it is unfair! We don't know their situation. Paraphrasing a quote: Even if you dislike something about someone, you will like something else about them. Keep waiting & watching for someone's inner beauty & it will shine someday, God willing.


  24. Nikki-

    "I have met people before who I didn't think were the best of looking and once I really got to know them It totally changed my view on everything."

    I agree with this statement completely and thinking about it makes me feel guilty. Why must we immediately judge based on looks? I suppose it is just human. Thankfully we took the time to get to know these people. There is nothing more beautiful than a good heart.

    Michelle Fischer

  25. Michele ~
    I loved how you put this: "We are all beautiful in our own unique, perfect ways. I see beauty as having a good heart, and good intentions. This may be a strange way to see it but to me, these characteristics make you beautiful. Appearance is simply not part of the equation." I defiantly agree that beauty does mean having a good heart and following it to try and help everyone out. The most beautiful people out in the world so much care for everyone that is around us. I just think it would be so amazing if more people could think like that! Because michele made so much sense by defining beauty this way.
    I also like this quote michele used "you can't be with someone until you can be with yourself." Loving yourself will only help you to love others. I think there are a lot of people that need to grow in this department. I know a lot of people that are such caring people but they need to know how amazing they truly are themselves. Its hard to understand why they cant see it themselves when everyone knows how beautiful they really are.... all you have to do for those kind of people is show you care and be there for them, and then its up to them.

    Maggie Dolan

  26. Katelyn-
    I completely agree with you. It's not what's on the outside that makes you beautiful. What's on the inside is what really counts, and that's what you'll have forever. You won't always look the same physically, but the inner beauty will always stay. Beautiful people should and do give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, and think about. It's the qualities of what makes them who they are that is so beautiful.

    Kristin Sorensen

  27. I really liked what Kayla had to say about beauty, how it doesn't go away with old age. The fact that she thinks her grandma is still beautiful is so cool, and made me look at my grandma and realize the same thing. I think she's beautiful and she's 93. It was just a cool perspective to think about.
    Katelyn Geib

  28. I think when anyone hears the word beautiful they automatically think looks, people can say differently but I know people assume looks right away. But beauty is a lot more then just looks, yes looks have a lot to do with it but all of it. I think when you first meet someone and you think their extremely beautiful but when you hang around them and figure out they are kind of mean and rude, their beauty begins to decrease. And that goes the same way to, if someone isn’t as beautiful but their personality is awesome and their fun to be around their beauty rises. I don’t really know how I am beautiful, maybe that I am always myself. I love to make people laugh and be comfortable around me and be able to talk about anything. I’m not shy and try I think I help people not be shy either, I just talk with them for a little bit and help them become comfortable in a situation they normally would be terrified to be in. I’m not sure how it can become a process but maybe if everyone starts to focuses on inner beauty and begin to value it, it will become more of a process.

    Jake Turkowski

  29. “I believe that inner beauty is a lot more important than outer beauty. Outer beauty only takes you so far. Inner beauty takes you so much farther” I totally agree with Kristin on this statement, it is in my opinion extremely true. Some of my best friends are extremely beautiful but just have terrible attitudes and just are not fun people to be around. And there are some of my friends who I don’t even think are attractive but are always so fun to be around, because they are themselves. There not trying to impress anyone with their looks, but rather their personalities.

    Jake Turkowski

  30. Beauty. What is beauty? What makes a person beautiful in my eyes inner and outer confidence. Everyone will have flaws in their life. Not many people can say they have the perfect body or perfect face or perfect personality. I don't believe "perfect" exists anywhere.

    Outer beauty is what we see and what people can judge anyone on. There have been many beautiful girls I have met, but in a nut shell they were "ugly" on the inside. They knew they were beautiful on the outside and lacked any personality or inner confidence/beauty.

    On the other hand I have met girls who aren't exactly "lookers", but at the same time I feel more attracted to them than the amazingly beautiful girls because they bring an amazing amount of confidence and inner beauty to a relationship.

    I will use my sister as an example here. Be mature about this. I think my sister is a beautiful girl and nothing is wrong with that.

    She used to be like any typical girl. She would go tanning and make sure her make up was just right, and she would wear clothes to make people notice her. Then throughout the past years I saw my sister change... In an amazing way that makes me respect her so much.

    Yes, she started out as the amazing, beautiful girl but she stopped with the tanning. Stopped using all of the make up. And didn't wear typical name brand clothing anymore. She "found" herself. She portrays this confidence that she doesn't need any of those materialistic things to make her beautiful. She is beautiful for the things god gave her. She doesn't care what people think about who she is. Its not like she gave up doing her hair or stopped using make up because that would just be gross in the end. She just told herself that she is beautiful and confident with the person inside and not what people think of her on the outside. This is why I love my sister. She is a very powerful figure in my life. She shows her inner and outer confidence and this is what makes her beautiful.

    I will be honest. If you show outer confidence and believe in yourself, others will believe that too. I don't think a body builder or some ripped underwear model but I am confident in my skin. I am confident about the traits I possess inside and out and I thank my sister for showing me how to do this. It's my differences that make me beautiful. People need to find a way to show your inner confidence through your outer confidence and appearance.

    As one of my favorite singer says, "To everyone out there who is a little different, I say damn a magazine these are god's fingerprints. You can call me ugly, but can't take nothing from me. I am what I am, doctor you ain't got to love me."-Brother Ali singing Forest Whitaker.

    Josh Kellner

  31. "Truthfully...... I really hate to think how or if I am beautiful. No matter if someone tells me I am beautiful, I appreciate the compliment but I don't like it for some reason. I am the kind of person that finds the beauty in everyone around me. I am not really sure why I do this but when I can make the people that are close to me or even those who aren't, it makes me very happy." -Maggie

    Preach it! This an amazing comment. Forget what people say and take the compliment as you must but the beauty you find in life is what you think of yourself. If being nice to others makes you happy then you have found something beautiful about yourself. And on the other hand, if you think being successful for yourself makes you beautiful then take it and run with it.

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!

    Josh Kellner

  32. I don't know what beauty is. I cannot describe what beauty is because to me there is no exact definition. I can explain moments when beauty has presented itself to me such as in a snowflake, a child laughing when a mother is playing with it or the laughter of friends on a summer evening out on the lake. All of these examples are moments of beauty to me.

    Yes, I have met plenty of people that can be classified as beautiful. One of my best friends was always referred to as beautiful and she thrived off of that. We always had the best of times together but she became so self-absorbed that the fun slowly faided away. It turned into her becoming consumed with the idea that looks were all that mattered, she was the only one that was model worthy and when we went out all of the attention had to be on her, especially when it came to guys. I couldn't handle it anymore and it ultimately tore our friendship apart. I can say though that some of my favorite memories were spent with her because, even in here vanity, she still had an exciting and beautiful spirit. Vice versa has happened with me on many occasions as well. Not so surprisingly, these have turned out to be some of my favorite friendships as well. That's not what matters though. When we befriended each other that's not what I was paying attention to. I don't just try to be friends with somebody because they're beautiful. If I'm friends with someone it's because we made a connection and found that we have fun being around each other as ourselves not someone behind a facade.

    I've heard I have beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, skin but what affects me most is when my mom tells me I have a beautiful spirit. I could never ask for a greater compliment than that. I believe that through her perception of me I have learned to perceive beauty in a similar fashion. Yes, I have seen plenty of physically beautiful people but when I picture in my mind what beautiful is, it's not people but moments such as the ones I described earlier. Perceiving beauty in a person's spirit just seems like a much more sincere, pure and honest determination. I feel that this mindset has allowed me be more open when meeting someone new. I find myself more able to accept them and allow myself to interact better with people when I don't just automatically judge them because someone may have said they're not beautiful.

  33. "The definition of beautiful is- having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc... Beautiful to me is exactly that. Its not just about someones physical attributes or just their personality, it's whatever I think is beautiful. Personally I think there are many beautiful things, especially the snow." I absolutely love Katelyn's comment! This is exactly how I feel about beauty because really this is the meaning of the quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I can find beauty in people but more often I find beauty in moments, events and actions. Really that's all I can say because of the fact I feel there is no set idea of beauty. Its one's own perception of beauty.

  34. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. When I think of beautiful I think of something that sticks out, something that makes me feel enlighten and feel good about. For me, what I find beautiful is my inner self, my personality, then I'll go onto my physical appearance. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways. What I find beautiful may be ugly to you, and what you find beautiful may be ugly to me. So we all have different perceptions of things within ourselves.

  35. In response to Josh,

    Yeah! We both agree on the ideal that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I think you brought up several great points about how you don't like to think about beautiful in yourself much. I agree that everyone has their own inner beauty, and physical beauty, it is all base on people's perception of what is beautiful.
