Monday, January 30, 2012

Hello All! Minute Information Here

Hello Everyone!

What an excited this semester has already proved to be. I am beyond delighted with your motivation and enthusiasm!

Please review the following link. This will help you have successful meetings as well as set examples how to complete your minutes each week.

Be sure to post your minutes here.

See you Tuesday!


  1. Teagan, Sydney, Sydney, Drew, Justin, Ashley: Advertising Group:

    We have three designs for a t-shirt ready for the class to choose from tomorrow. Once a design is chosen, we will then estimate how many t-shirts we want to order (with sizes) to estimate a final price.

    We have all the places that we will call/go to to broadcast the event, but we just need the location, time and date before we can continue with anything.

  2. Hailey, Natalie, Chris, Ryan
    Donations Group

    Meeting Minutes 1/31/12
    1:40-3:30 p.m.

    1. Revised draft of letter.
    2. Typed second draft of letter. (Also emailed to Monica at later time)
    3. Asked for St. Scholastica letterhead.
    4. Mapped out places to ask for donations.
    5. Divided list and group in half and decided who would go where.
    (Hailey and Natalie), (Ryan and Chris)

    We are now ready to go out and begin asking for donations!

  3. Fundraising, Budget, Decorations, Food:
    -Angie, Laura, Kelsey, Beth, Brittany, Gorub, Nicole

    -At least two of us will go visit Spirit Mountain this week and take pictures to show the class.

    -We will be receiving the bracelets on Friday, and then storming the dorms to sell them on Monday evening. Also we will bring a sign-up sheet to class for people to sign up for selling bracelets in the forum.

    - After we see Spirit Mountain we will get started on decorations.

    - Super One said they would donate 1 or 2 cakes. So we will be in further contact with them, and also contacting Sam's Club for another cake.

  4. Donations:
    Hailey, Natalie, Chris, Ryan

    Thursday February 9th
    8:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.

    - Wrote another draft of our letter
    - Printed paper for Monica to review
    - Discussed dates to go and ask for donations

  5. Deafness Committee
    Hailey, Natalie, Chris, Ryan

    Thursday February 9th
    8:45- 9:45 p.m.

    - Researched deafness
    - Chose a video to use in our powerpoint (My son is deaf finally!)
    - Wrote a brief outline for our paper

  6. Tuesday 2-21 & Tuesday 2-28
    Angie (11-12:30)
    Sydney G./ Ryan/Hailey (11:30-12:30)
    Entire Class (12:00-12:30)

    * Even Though your name may not be on the schedule you can still stop by and help

    Thursday 2-23 & Thursday 3-1
    Angie (11-2)
    Laura (12-2)
    Chris (11-12)
    Kelsey (12-2)
    Teagan (12-1:30)
    Nicole (11-2)

    * Even Though your name may not be on the schedule you can still stop by and help

    Community Day
    Wednesday 2-29
    Whole Class not sure what time we are delivering food.

    I have a table reserved for all of these dates we do not have to use them for the whole time but I just reserved them from 11-2

  7. Food Decorations Budgeting Fundraising
    Angie, Laura, Kelsey, Beth, Brittany, Nicole
    -continuing to sell bracelets
    -created more posters for signing and to say who we are and why we are selling
    -trying to prepare to make the payments for decorations and location with the amount of money we have in our account

  8. Advertising Group

    Met Tuesday evening at 5.

    Discussed options for radio stations and news.
    Waiting on T-shirt info

    Total Time: 1 hour

  9. Food, Decorations, Budgeting and Fundraising

    Kelsey, Angie, Laura, Beth, Brittany, Nicole

    The past week, end of February through first week of March we all sold bracelets. Each of us were there for a shift of selling bracelets. We had made 3 posters and have our location, food and decorations figured out.
    We will continue to figure out what else we need to get, and will continue to meet.

  10. Week of March 6th.

    Food Decorations, Budgeting, and Fundrasing

    Kelsey, Angie, Laura, Beth, Brittany, Nicole, Gaurav

    We discussed fish and fish bowls, and have decided to let donations try and get them donated, or wait until we know how much money we have left over for fish. We will work on getting payments to Paper Capers and Spirit Mountain. We will start working on the quiet room and what should be in there. We will find arts and crafts and relaxing things to put in the room.

    Time: 1 hour
