Do Americans Share a Common Culture?
Professor Gregory Jay
What common beliefs, values, and cultural practices make up the culture shared by most people in the United States? The term “multiculturalism” suggests that people in the U.S. belong to many different cultures rather than all belonging to a single “American” culture? Is this true? Or is there a common culture shared by most Americans? How would we define and describe this common culture? Below I have attempted to identify and describe some key
elements of a common American
They include:
(Define each of these in your comment section and give an example of what each means to you)
Create 2 questions for each other in regards to the American Culture. Select 2 or more questions and answer them.
In thinking about the citizens of America as a whole, I find it rather difficult to assign specific common beliefs, values, or cultural practices. However, while I do believe that America is a multicultural nation, I also think that the majority of Americans share a few common characteristics which I will come back to after describing how America is multicultural. Just by traveling and meeting different Americans from varying places, it is not difficult to see how different we can be from one another. Some of us have Snow White skin, others have very dark skin. Some of us wear torn clothing and have tatoos, while others of us cover the majority of our bodies perhaps for our religion. Some of us have no religion at all. With all of these possible differences, and the many more I didn't touch, what links us together to define us as Americans? Is is plain and simply our geographical location, where we were born? It would be easy to say yes to this and leave it at that, but I can't quite let myself believe that we have no connection to one another. I believe the majority of Americans believe in the "American Dream." I would describe this as having the freedom to achieve your goals in hopes of prosperity and success. Success is also a word that I have found applies to a good number of Americans. Like we mentioned in our class discussion, we seem to be always competing. To stop myself from making us sound barbaric I will lead into the fact that I think most Americans want to be in company and around others at the end of the day. We strive for love and happiness.
The desire to be independent or work independently. I see this in the workplace often but not outside in everyday life. Like I previously stated, I think Americans want to be near others.
All the means of producing are owned by one and not many. To me this means how our world of business works. It does define American culture.
To me this means seeing thing in a different, more current way. We have turned to this, as Americans, in the recent past.
Deals with how religious a person is. In America religiosity reaches both sides of the spectrum and everywhere in between. Couldn't you say that not believing in God is also some form of religion.
This is the separation of church and state. I am a firm believer in this. It allows Americans to practice whichever religion they wish. It is a branch of our freedom which is a huge characteristic of America.
My two questions:
1) Is there one word that can accurately describe all American's?
2) Is anyone truly American? Or are we all just ratio's of other ethnicities? What is an example of a true American?
Every American is different in their values, beliefs, and cultural practices. One thing sticks out when I think about this though... Family. I believe that most people in the United States (no matter what religion, race, gender, culture, etc.) cherish the importance of family above all else. Everyone shows a different level of respect towards family members but overall, family seems to be a key importance to Americans. To me, being an American Means being multicultural. The way I see it is that there are so many cultures mixed together living in the United States. It has become a mixture of all sorts of different values and beliefs that have blended together and made us who we are.
ReplyDeleteIndividualism- a theory stressing individual initiative, action, and interests. Everyone is different and expresses themself in a different way. In other words, everyone is their own person, they are unique.
Capitalism-social system based on the principle of individual rights. Protection of rights.
Modernism-any movement or climate of ideas that supports change. The changing of the "old" to the "new" for the better of the people.
Religiosity-numerous aspects of religious activity, dedication,and belief. In America there are so many religions and some people are more religious than others.
Secularism-view that religion should be excluded from social and political matters. As Americans, we are free to practice whatever religion we choose to.
How is the "American" culture different from other cultures?
Do you believe children should be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms?
When one would imagine America, people often picture a farmer in Minnesota or a surfer in California or a businessman in New York. There is no clear cut image we all carry because we are all different skin tones, eye and hair colors, accents, language, and body postures. That's exactly the same with our so-called "culture". We do not have one. We are a mixture of multiple beliefs, values, customs, and ideas. American citizens are known as “multiculturalism” yet I do not have a problem with that statement. I'm glad we don't have a set one because then it allows us all to experience different ones in our backyard. I do believe though if one would look closely at states or even counties, there would be a set culturalistic view of that area.
ReplyDeleteYes we do share some similarities like individualistic or greedy, but none that'll define us specifically.
Individualism: The pursuit of individual rather than common or collective interests. People battling each other out to be on top because they want the glory for themselves and not for the group.
Capitalism: The facturing world of business owned by wealthy private individuals or corporations. This is how America stands. Someone or some group attempting to own it all.
Modernism: Something typical of contemporary life or thought. Seeing things in a new way basically.
Religiosity: The quality of being religious on any ends. Doesn't matter what religion, but showing to what degree one person is considered religious.
Secularism: In simple terms, the separation of church and state. Not allowing religion to flow through the halls of public schools of any degree. I believe they should allow kids to take a religious class as an elective. That way it's free will and not forcing it down anyone's throat.
My two questions
1. When America was first established there was only a couple cultures. About how many cultures reside in America today?
2. Although most cultures are different on high degrees, what qualities do they all share here in America?
Josh Kellner-
ReplyDeleteI think one word that describes American culture would be FREEDOM. Freedom is what makes our nation as a whole. Because of this we do not have just one base culture. It varies from black to white skin, catholics to atheists, immigrants to Native Americans, and rich to poor. The overall ultimatum for a single individual in the USA is if you are going to take advantage of the freedom we are given. It seems to me that the people who abuse this freedom are the ones who do not end up happy in life, and the ones that cherish this privilege we are given usually flourish in their success. People make say our "culture" is a group of people that love baseball, eat hot dogs, and drink way to much alcohol. I disagree with this statement, as well as many other people may conquer. We are such a mix of cultures its not even fair to say we have a "stereotype". I do not believe all stereotypes are bad I just believe we never get a positive one. Lets say we talk about German culture. Their "stereotype" is a hard working group of people who make quality products, were in a multitude of wars, and also they are famous for the alcoholic beverages. I do not believe this is a mean way of describing them in any way, shape, or form. But to me it doesn't seem like we as Americans can be told we have a stereotype. People think negative things of us, but we are so diversified that if they discriminated on one culture they might be discriminating against themselves because we have people from every country in the world living here.
I agree that if you were to look at the different regions of America you would find different cultures, but what makes us unique is we aren't separate countries with different cultures we are united. I think even at first when the flow immigrants hit America we already in the process of making America what it is today; diverse and the opportunity to make a name for yourself around every corner.
Individualism- being yourself, acting as one. Everyone is their own person with their own beliefs. No one can change who you truly. Therefore, you are your own individual.
Capitalism- the freedom to own your own business free of government control. This is the American dream. This is why people come to America. They want to show people that they can run themselves without there own help and make it big in life.
Modernism- consistent change, strive to create something new and improved. I think every country has this but in America we are one of the overall powerhouses and we always strive to out do our opponents.
Religiosity- choosing your own religion, freedom to believe. You could be an atheist or a catholic, but with this you choose what god(s) you want to believe in.
Secularism- separation of religion and government. The power to choose to go to a private school that offers your religion. Also, the opportunity to discuss if it should be included in public schools or not.
1. Does America have a stereotype? If so what is it and is a good or bad impression?
2. Is it freedom one our biggest downfalls as well as one of our largest attributes?
I think the only word that can be used to describe every single American would be American, apart from that the freedoms that America gives us are so vast that everybody can be unique. I believe "American" culture is having the rights to be "multicultural."
ReplyDeleteIndividualism: The ability to be yourself. Strive for your own goals in life.
Capitalism: "Going for it all" in business. Trying to achieve the best possible living standards for you and you family through successful business.
Modernism: Always trying to improve our ways of life. Trying to be the best or the first in everything.
Religiosity: The freedom to believe in whatever or whoever you want, in any level of dedication.
Secularism: Separating religion from the government. No forced beliefs. We are a country with a freedom of religion, we shouldn't have a specific religion forced on us.
1. How many immigrants are still coming into America?
2. What about our culture is so appealing to other countries?
Our American culture is unique simply because of how unique it is. You can't begin to label this culture in one, two, or three categories; we are a melting pot of adversity! Not all countries are as fortunate as we are to be able to live the diverse lifestyles we do. We are this lucky because of the freedom we have. The term "multiculturalism" is a perfect fit for people in America. The common culture of America's people is individuality, to be honest. There are blondes, brunettes, red-heads, cowboys, Indians, the whole sha-bang. We eat hot-dogs and pizza, stir fry and sushi, gelato and tostadas. We drink margaritas, beer, and juice. I feel our country is proud to not be labeled under one sterotype.
ReplyDeleteIndividualism: Pursuing independent thought or action. To me, individualism is the personal drive/commitment to express oneself in any desirable way.
Capitalism: A social system based on the principle of individual rights. Capitalism gives the individuals, you and me, ownership of business which gives us a sense of freedom from the state authority.
Modernism: Modern character, tendencies, or values. To me, modern is 'in'; anything up-to-date, or popular. I feel in a way it is following the crowd, but people tend to be modern in their own unique way too.
Religiosity: Affected or excessive devotion to religion. People who are religious in any way have a sense or religiosity, a dedication to an individual belief.
Secularism: A system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship. Some religions are individually argued, but as a whole practically all religions are accepted in our society.
My two questions:
1.) Do you believe having many different "cultures" in America is right? Why or why not?
2.) How would you feel if we didn't have the freedom to express our individuality? Would you do anything about it?
My two questions to answer:
ReplyDelete1.) "Tlindber": How is the "American" culture different from other cultures?
The American culture is different from others quite frankly because we are a combination of many individual cultures, making America a desirable place for expressing yourself!
2.) "Michelle": Is there one word that can accurately describe all American's?
Yes! ADVERSE! That's what's so special about being American! I know it sounds like a contradictory statement, but that's the only way I can describe it.
I think that America is multiculturized.. if that's even a word. There's too many different kinds of cultures and ways of living to just have one set one for the whole country. There are so many different types of people that live here. It would be hard to settle on one believe, one value, and one culture to say for America. People are who they want to be here, which results in all types of people and ways of doing things. We have so much freedom here, and we don't really have "rules" or anything we need to follow or go by. Many people have totally different views on America though. They think we eat fast food, were fat, we watch TV all the time, we all drink a lot, and many more that we saw from that video in class. But those aren't true for most people. America is a mix of so many different lifestyles.
ReplyDeleteIndividualism- a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual.
It's being your own person!
Capitalism- a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.
It shows all the rights we have in this country.
Modernism- modern character, tendencies, or values; adherence to or sympathy with what is modern.
Americans are modern! Everyone wants the newest clothes and appliances and houses.
Religiosity- the quality of being religious; piety; devoutness.
You can be any religion here!
Secularism- indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations.
Showing our freedom and freedom of religion.
My two questions:
1. If America is so much different than our stereotypes, why do we have them?
2. Who decided what the average "American" would be like?
I have answers to Coyers questions.
ReplyDelete1. According to google....
The Department of Homeland Security, who uses only green card statistics, says that there were 1.3 million immigrants in 2006, however if you include all other forms of immigration, the average would be about 1.8 million each year.
So a lot!:)
that's the site.
2. I think what attracts people to our culture and to America is our freedom. Also because you can be anyone here. You don't have to be a certain religion or do certain things or anything.
I think it's hard to say what beliefs, values, and cultural practices we all share because each individual person is very unique. Although people might have the same beliefs and values that doesn't necessarily mean we all look at those beliefs and values the same way. The values that i have may be the same as someone else's but they most likely have a different meaning and effect for them then they do for me. I believe that the word "multiculturism" has a lot of truth to it. It has a lot of truth to it because our American society is filled with different types of culture. I think their are cultures that Americans share, but not a single specific one that the majority of Americans share.
ReplyDeleteIndividulaism: A person that has their own beliefs and does what makes them proud. Aperson that is their own leader and does not follow the "crowd".
Capitalism: How our world runs business wise.
Modernism: a wide range of cultural movements. This describes our world becuase there are so many different cultures that people have brought to this world.
Religiosity: The beliefs that people have and how religious they are.
Secularism: Realigion has the right to be free from teachings and rules.
1) What is American Culture?
2)Can anyone be apart of American culture?
I think that that American culture doesn't have a specific cultural beliefs but instead I think American culture is a mix, everyone is different in so many ways. If you look around everyone has different qualities, not just in looks but also personalities. But that is what American culture is to me. The fact that no one is quite like the person next to you. Everyone has difference beliefs and thats what makes America what it is to me. I'm okay with saying that America is a “multiculturalism" country. Because thats what makes us who we are.
ReplyDeleteIndividualism: Everyone wants to be themselves and make something of themselves. And in America, we are told to be ourselves, unique, our own person.
Capitalism: The social system dealing with business and the fact that you can be in charge and take control.
Modernism: Improving the way of life, making things better than they were before.
Religiosity: The ability to believe what you want, to any extent.
Secularism: Separating religion from political or worldly values. Not forcing religious influences on anyone.
1. Do you think American culture has a majority or main culture or just a lot of little cultures?
2. If you think there is a main culture what do you think it is?
To answer questions.
1.What is American Culture?
It is a wide range of peoples beliefs and values, and in America it is a place where all people can practice their beliefs in their own way and not be discriminated for it.
2.Can anyone be apart of American culture?
I think that everyone can be apart of American culture since there is no specific requirements to be a part of American culture.
I think picking one culture for America is wrong. Everyone has their own beliefs on things, and trying to categorize America as a whole is impossible. The thing that you could say we all have in common as Americans would be Freedom, but if you think about it, are we really free? We have laws, rules, have to be in school till your 16 years old. Some countries don't promote education, but in America its required when your 6 to start kindergarden. Every person is unique in their own special ways, if its liking different foods, living in a different state due to the weather. Some people also believe that if your an American that you have to be white, which is not true. The color of your skin should not make a difference on how people look at you and categorize you and if you should be an American or not.
ReplyDeleteIndividualism- Being an individual, and figuring things out on your own by doing new things, exploring, and doing what you feel is right.
Capitalism- Economic and social system that runs how our workforce is.
Modernism- Making what you had before into something better.
Religiosity - Being religious, usually applied to individuals with their own religious beliefs
Secularism- Religious belief should not influence public and government decisions.
Why do people classify America is "Fat" and "lazy"?
What are a few problems in American culture or society that we could reduce?
Answers to Katelyns questions
ReplyDelete1. Do you think American culture has a majority or main culture or just a lot of little cultures?
I believe that America had a lot of little cultures, I think putting such a big group of people into one culture group is not fair for every one because people do have different beliefs than others, and they may have a different opinion than someone else.
2. If you think there is a main culture what do you think it is?
I don't think that there is a main culture, I think people just kinda go with what they believe and what the background of their family life is and follow that.
I believe that the term culture in this sense expresses one's believe and tradition, therefore when viewing the U.S as a multicultural nation, its showing the diversity of culture within the U.S. The United States is a nation made up of immigrants, each with their own cultures, however even though we may all have our own culture we all do share a similarities living in America. That similarities is the common culture that is shared by most Americans, which include the culture of fast food, opportunity, pursuit of the American dream, freedom, and equality. All these cultures and more are what reflects to some similarities we as Americans share.
ReplyDeleteIndividualism: the social theory that advocates the rights, liberty, and independent action of an individual
Capitalism: is an economic system in which wealth and ownership is maintain by private individuals
Modernism: a tendacies and values adherence to what us modern
Religiosity: the quality and devotion to religion
Secularism: The political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship
1. Define what an American dream is?
2. What does it mean to be an American?
One word i would use to some up our country is, Amazing!. what country is like ours? None. it is amazing that we have all these freedoms and though people have problems with some of them they do not cause internal wars.
ReplyDeleteIndividulaism- is expressing your self to the full.
capitialism- the right for an individual to own a business or start one.
Modernism-Culture from other countries coming here and also the modern-ness of our country we are always tring to one up each other.
Religiosity- Freedom of relgion you can belive what ever you want.
Secularism-Being able to practice the relgion you want and not being segrated for it.
1: why do people complain about our freedom when we are the most free country in the world
2:How do other cultures view us as a power or as a bunch of lazy people who eat Mcdonalds.
Individualism: One's choice to express themselves in which ever way makes them most comfortable or happiest.
ReplyDeleteCapitalism: A citizen's urge to better their life by gaining monetarily.
Modernism: A society's ability to change with the times and stay ahead the cultural advancements of other cultures.
Religiosity: A single person's religious beliefs and their standards according to their own god.
Secularism: One's choice to practice their own religion and whatever social standards they hold.
America; where the roads are paved with gold. American culture, as I believe it, is based on the beliefs of a well-knit family atmosphere, attending their regular religious meetings to maintain good morals, and to better their own lives as well as their childrens' lives. In reality though, America is a society of diversity. There is no way to pick out a single ideal for everyone. Ultimately, the american culture can be defined as what makes oneself happiest. What they believe and what activities they do to enjoy their life. The questions behind this, though, consist of; Is this really how americans view their own life? Is america really a place of happiness or is it a place in which one must go along with the stereotypes to be truelly happy?
My post is too long so I'll split it into parts...
ReplyDeleteIn the US, there is no common set of beliefs, values, or cultural practices because the inhabitants of this country are incredibly diverse. Although there is a certain majority of people in the United States, the fact that the true majority of everyone here comes from a different background (in this I mean we all came here, in some generation of our family, from somewhere else…perhaps aside from the Native Americans though that’s arguable as well) creates the differences of these aspects. The term multiculturalism is definitely true, but there is an overtone of the mentioned “American” culture in terms of the elements listed below. It is considered the “way to live,” or the norm, in the United States to project these elements in certain ways. Personally, I tend not to follow these norms in the recommended ways due to my feelings pertaining to their morality, rationality, & effects upon the society as a whole. I will give some more insight upon this within my definitions & thereafter.
Modernism~ Moving forward with new ideas, thoughts, & ways of living; keeping up with the future, technology, & what is deemed new & “improved.” This is something else I have a problem with. It’s great that we are trying to learn things, trying to understand how the universe works, but it seems we’ve lost track of WHY. Why are we doing trying to expand our knowledge? What is the purpose of coming up with better technology? Just how are we moving forward & what does that mean? I’ve heard the quote, “Knowledge for the sake of knowledge.” It means we learn just to learn…but I truly have a problem with that. There is no point in attaining that knowledge then because it has no true purpose but to be explored; that’s how we’ve gotten onto this crazy track where we are rushing forward to find answers as fast as we can. My point is we should be learning about the universe for a true purpose…that purpose being to help ourselves survive within it, to better the quality of life of those around us, to attain peace for humanity by working to provide the most supportive & enriching tools/methods to everyone. There is nothing wrong with searching for knowledge, I support that completely & I firmly believe that everyone deserves the chance to learn as much as they can, but it has to be for this sake or else things will become even more devoid of true purpose than they already are.
ReplyDeleteReligiosity~ Being religious, spiritual, &/or pious. In our country, I feel this has been severely lost in nearly all faiths. It’s become something of a pastime, a thing to do in our lives, rather than a way of life. To me, being religious is about living your life WITH your beliefs (not around your beliefs as many people do), trying to integrate the values & practices in any way you can. I’m not saying that everyone needs to be of one faith or of any faith at all (I will never support compulsion in religion, of any type, including force, torture, manipulation, unfair influence, or oppression), but I do believe that those who are religious need to reflect upon what they believe & truly follow that. Ignorance of one’s religion causes most of the problems that occur within them & between them. Tolerance is something I support as well; we need to live together by respecting all beliefs & by cooperating if we want to achieve this. It is possible, but only if we stop all this arrogance. We’re all human, no matter your faith.
Secularism~ Religion & “governmental institutions” are separated. It’s fortunate that people can choose to follow whatever faith they so choose, but I think that this can also be attained within a society governed by a certain religion. Everyone seems to think that the beliefs/theology of that institution will be imposed upon the individual, but that hasn’t always been the case. When there is CORRUPTION within a certain religion then it will ensue (but that affects those who aren’t even a part of that society so no one is safe from that type of evil), but otherwise there are cases in which a society is even more peaceful due to the religion of that government. Some faiths have laws where they will not impose their beliefs on anyone within the society, they will give them the freedom to practice their religion how they choose (as long as it doesn’t harm those within the society), & will provide military, social, & economical (all forms of their rights, in fact) security. By estranging religion & making sure ALL of it is kept out of “governmental institutions, America has brought about some real oddities: people becoming violent when it is mentioned at all, protests against it, the privatization of faith, & even loss of faith due to suppression of it publically. Another thing that is important to consider is the fact that it is left out of schools entirely. Who determines what to teach in science classes? Not all viewpoints are brought up & many students are taught, quite blindly, certain theories that have not even been proven. It is foolish to ignore faith as if it simply “goes away” while we are interacting in the public sector. Separation causes more problems than it solves.
ReplyDeleteMy questions:
How do you feel yourself fitting in with American culture?
Is there anything you dislike about any of the aspects you just defined of American culture?
To answer the questions of lnoyes:
ReplyDelete1: why do people complain about our freedom when we are the most free country in the world?
2:How do other cultures view us as a power or as a bunch of lazy people who eat Mcdonalds?
-Personally, I don't believe we're truly "free" because although we are given the right to do something, not everyone is able to stand up for what they believe in, only the people who are favored by the government through their idea of what being a "good American" is. You have the right to do something & I have the right to have that something not effect me (so inevitably, that creates a problem since that creates my right to have you not do that something if it affects me). Our definition of freedom is somewhat hypocritical because there is no way for it to encompass everyone as a law. I believe this should be revised as: We all have the right to do something until it effects society negatively where then the government can stop you from doing that something. This would solve a lot of problems. I don't believe individual freedoms trump the right of the well-being of the society.
- The reason America is viewed as a power is because many subconsciously believe we as a nation are "right" or are the best example of the way a country should be ("We are free & have the most/best rights so therefore we should have a say in what goes on in other parts of the world." I see this attitude all the time). We stick our government into issues all over the world which we aren't a part of while we here have problems to solve (even if we have one of the richest countries, there are A LOT of other problems, mainly social ones, that plague our society (such as the escapism I mentioned in class). As for the everyone being fat issue...that is a generalization & we do it to people of other countries as well.
...it keeps deleting part of my post! The part about individualism & capitalism! I can't get it to stay posted...
ReplyDeleteIndividualism ~ The philosophy that we should be independent, make our own decisions, pursue things to better our own selves, & in general be individuals (to be your “own person” or to be yourself). To me individualism goes a little far because, as we discussed in class, the family unit tends to be broken up fairly easily due to this idea or at the very least less united than in past times. Yes, it is good to be independent, to be you, but I feel that working together within a community yields a healthier individual. You can still further yourself, but if you keep trying to do everything on your own, as if you are self-sufficient, it causes problems in other aspects of life. I’m all for working hard to support myself, but I realize that I will be a better overall person if I keep myself close to the ones I care for as well as work with others to grow myself.
ReplyDeleteCapitalism~ The social system based upon the idea of individual rights, mainly grounded in industry & economics. I truly disagree with this system because although it gives people “freedom” (which people have come to nearly idolize in our country without thinking it entirely through – are you truly free when there are many restrictions upon you & some people are favored in this country over others as well as certain ways of thinking being prioritized? Think about it…), it also promotes selfishness. I believe capitalism brought the rise of materialism to be quite honest. People aren’t being truthful about their intentions, they are focused on profit, & in turn everyone involved believes it is within their right to make gains howsoever they choose. To me, freedom doesn’t constitute that; it never constitutes bringing evils (dishonesty in transactions, focus on self-gain, etc.) into society. I don’t think we’ve freed ourselves with capitalism…I think we’ve really restricted ourselves by focusing on such unimportant things (consumerism) & prevented ourselves from true growth (morally, giving people their basic needs, & in helping build stronger, more closely knit communities). I could go on for a long time about all the flaws within capitalism.
ReplyDeleteWhen I think about the question, what common beliefs, values, and cultural practices make up the culture shared by most people in the United States? I truly don’t believe americans share one culture. If you think about it, america is built with so many diversities, so how can we possibly have a common culture? For example, even if we have a group of people who are catholic, they are still going to vary in how strong their beliefs are. I do think, however, a lot of americans participate the same ways in holidays. However, every person has a little different way they do things when it comes to holidays.
ReplyDeleteI do believe America is a mixture of many different cultures. America is like a giant melting pot, where people can come together and bring their own traditions and cultures to the pot. I believe america has one common culture, which is freedom. People come to america for the chance to have the freedom to believe, or do anything.
Individualism - the principle or habit of or belief in independent thought or action. To me individualism means that someone is going off on their own, and fallowing their own thoughts.
Capitalism - an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for a private profit. I think Capitalism would be a good thing for hospitals because it guaranties everyone medical help.
Modernism - a deliberate departure from tradition and the use of innovative forms of expression. I think modernism is when someone changes their tradition and start something new.
Religiosity - The quality of being religious. An example of religiosity is when someone goes to church a lot, and truly believes in the churches practice.
Secularism - indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations. I think secularism means that people are free to not believe in religion.
1) How do you think the values and beliefs of today vary from the values and beliefs when america was first formed?
2) With all the different types of culture in america, what makes each person have those beliefs or morals?
In Response to Mary's Questions:
ReplyDelete1)How do you feel yourself fitting in with American culture?
2)Is there anything you dislike about any of the aspects you just defined of American culture?
1) I believe that in general I fit in with the American culture. While this is true, it does not mean I don't differ from others in many ways. I think part of being an American is expressing oneself in whatever way we choose simply because we have the freedom to. Many people don't understand or appreciate how lucky we are to have this ability. Plenty of people in other cultures are not able to show themselves in whatever light that they would like to. Even with some limitations here in America, I can say I feel fortunate to have been born in a country that supports the expression of self.
2)One thing that I mentioned in my blog about American culture that I am not fond of is our constant need to compete with one another. Yes, there are exceptions to this characteristic but it seems we always strive to one up each other, whether that be in work, love, or even games. Why can't we all be supportive and happy for others when they are successful?
Great responses and questions everyone! Keep up the good work :D
ReplyDeleteAnswer to "ndarker"s Why do people classify America as "Fat" and "lazy"?
ReplyDeleteMost of america is overweight and don't do anything to change it so people stereotype all of americans like that even though this is only true in some cases.
Answer to "Maggie Dolan"s How do you think the values and beliefs of today vary from the values and beliefs when America was first formed?
When immigrants first came here they were seperated by their beliefs and customs, but as more immigrants came their values beliefs, and customs began to flow together. Because of this, America has become very multicultural.
Answering shers questions
ReplyDelete1. Define what an American dream is?
2. What does it mean to be an American?
1. Defineing what the american dream to you is really a matter of oponion. Too most though i belive it is having a family and doing what you love for your job. That is what is great about america is that if you really strive for your goals they are reachable.
2. Being an american is more then eating Mcdonalds and drinking coke. It is being able to be what you want to be. Belive what you want to, dress how you would like too and be free to do really anything. Also, it is having pride for this great country of ours and respecting the simple rules we have. Being an american is great and i am glad i can call my self one.
Answering ndarkers questions
Why do people classify America is "Fat" and "lazy"?
The reason why people classify America as fat and lazy is because due to America's high obesity rate within its nation. Obesity is a current issue in the United States and is currently one that is focus to lower down. That is why most people see the U.S as fat and lazy.
What are a few problems in American culture or society that we could reduce?
Few problems we could reduce is obesity, pollution, etc. These are some problems in the U.S which we can improve on.
I think that it’s very difficult to pin-point one answer to what the common beliefs, values, and cultural practices are for Americans. Everybody is so different because we all came from different back rounds. Our heritages are from all over the world and they all brought different beliefs, values, and cultural practices to the US with them. I definitely believe that the US is multiculturalism. We might have some beliefs that are more popular than others, but that wouldn’t define the American Culture because there are so many others to consider. In America I do see individualism, capitalism, modernism, religiosity, and secularism in some people, but I don’t see a lot of religiosity. There are many people in the US who don’t follow any kind of religion. One thing that America, as a whole, is known for is always trying to be better than everybody else. That might define a little bit of our culture.
ReplyDeleteIndividualism- A person being independent and making their own decisions based on what they believe.
Capitalism- This is how all of workforces are operated.
Modernism- What is popular in the current time.
Religiosity- Being devoted to a religion.
Secularism- This is when people don’t want religion to be a part of schools.
1. Why doesn’t America have a defined culture like other countries?
2. Could anyone positively/accurately define the American culture?
Why do people classify America as "fat" and "lazy"?
ReplyDeleteI think since we have had the opportunity to fast food places and have an abundance of free time other countries classify us as "fat/lazy." They believe when we run small businesses that are unhealthy, fast food and all we do is eat fast food and get fat. And since we have so much freedom, other countries think we just take every type of transportation possible without walking. And they also believe that we get horribly fat from just sitting at our houses all day and not working.
Why do people complain about our freedom when we are a free country?
I believe that our freedom is our weakness. We take the small things for granted and in that way we abuse our freedom. My philosophy is that we when people cheat the system and abuse things such as freedom, they expect more and complain about not having unlimited freedom. Some Americans need to step back and just looked and the freedoms and opportunities compared to third world countries. We need a way to HUMBLE America.
Answers to questions:
ReplyDeleteMaggie’s- With all the different types of culture in America, what makes each person have those beliefs or morals? I believe that these beliefs and morals come from our heritage, or even our surroundings. This beliefs and morals can be passed down generation to generation. I also think that we might pick up some of them from the people around us because they teach us what they believe and then you may agree too.
Ndarker’s- Why do people classify America is "Fat" and "lazy"? The other cultures around us only see that aspect of Americans. They may get these ideas from our tv stations because so many of our commercials are about fast food and technology. Or if they come to America to visit, most of the big cities are lined with cars and fast food places along the streets. That may be all they see.
In response of lnoyes questions:
ReplyDelete1) why do people complain about our freedom when we are the most free country in the world?
2) How do other cultures view us as a power or as a bunch of lazy people who eat Mcdonalds?
1) I believe many americans take our freedom for granted. I don’t think we realize how good we have it in america compared to other countries. However I do think our freedom is limited, because many times when someone stands up for what we believe in, we get punished. Many people also believe their opinion is the most important however, the president can’t listen to everyone. Therefor people think our freedom isn’t actually there.
2) When other people think of America, they think of a country that wants to get involved and almost take over. In that way I believe other countries think we are power hungry even if we are really just trying to help. They also think we are power hungry because in the past it seems like we are always getting in the middle of everyones business. Even though other countries see us as a powerful country I think more people see us as oversized rednecks (aka lazy people). This is true for many reasons including all the reality television people see about us and for us having the most oversized people in a country. When other countries see reality television about america they assume everyone is like that, when a lot of times we aren’t.
Amazing responses! I am very impressed! I really hope to continue the discussion going in class. See you tomorrow!
Americans have many different beliefs, values, and practices. I think americans have a very strong belief that we are a superior country to alot of others. This is a personal opinion of course, but I think we as a whole have this kind of ignorance to us that we can go into other countries business and all that jazz. I think we have a very diverse country when it comes to peoples values.As a whole I think we value family, work, and we value what we have. I think we are a very materialistic country and people have opinions of other people by what they own. For cultural practices there are many things that you could talk about. What i see as a common practice as a country would be people raising their children. Everybody raises their kids different but as a whole there is a basic structure for what you do with them. You have them go to school, graduate, go to college, pick a career and be succesful. Thats what a basic structure is for most parents in the U.S. This is all on opinion, but thats one example.
ReplyDeleteI think the U.S is very multicultural country. People in the united states,different from other countries, has people from all over the world. I think that every family and culture has there own way of doing things but have the american tradition in working, but they dont all do the same things daily. Cultures have their own way of doing things and we usually except that as Americans since we are so diverse.
Individualism: A person's belief in doing what they want with themselves, their property, and their lives.
Capitalism: A common american belief that you can own your own business and make money for yourself.
Modernism: How people modernize themselves to what the current theme is in the society. This is basically the same as a "trend"
The right to choose your own relgion or belief. This is a big thing in America today.
Secularism: Basically the seperation of church and state. Freedom from being taught religion in a private place.
1.)Who decides what is American?
2.)Why do people think all we eat is Mcdonalds?
I am responding to lsharp questions:
ReplyDelete1. Why doesn’t America have a defined culture like other countries?
2. Could anyone positively/accurately define the American culture?
The reason why I believe that America doesn’t have a defined culture is because our country was created/found so long after all of the after other major countries that we all most became like overflow for the other countries if you call it. The reason I say it this way is because along with the creation of countries is the creation of culture and when America came about everyone wanted to practice their own culture. So that is why we are called the “Melting Pot” of the world in my eyes.
I think that it would almost be impossible to give American culture a legit definition because people practice so many different cultures that there is no way that you could include all of the under one general definition.
Because America is such a diverse nation it is hard to find common things that span throughout the entire country. Religion for example in the northern part it is primarily Catholic/Lutheran beliefs, where down south is it primarily Southern Baptist. As we said in class, we have an individualistic style of living. We push our children to get out of the house and be on their own as fast as possible but still offer the helping hand when needed.
ReplyDeleteThere is one thing that does stick out to me because i just witnessed it in a movie. Even though we are individualistic and strive to better ourselves when it comes down to one being in trouble or a crisis we come together to help. like the quote from a movie referring to New Yorkers, " You pick on one of us, you pick on all of us." Even a crisis like the Minneapolis I-35 Bridge collapse. the people around the collapse sacrifice their safety and went out of their way to offer help to those who were in worse trouble than them.
What I'm getting at is, that other countries, and even ourselves, see us a an individualistic country striving from personal greed. Yes, we do act that way but no one cares to see past that and see that in times of crisis or war we come together to fight as one indivisible nation, like it states in the Pledge of Allegiance.
-Individualism- To strive to do good for themselves before others. They want to do things on their own and not include oter people in their choices.
-Capitalism- a belief that you can have a privatly owned business for self profit and the government is hands off.
-Modernism- To keep things fresh and new. Agree with Jake Horn it is similar to a "trend"
-Religiosity- The ability to choose which religion you want to follow whether its christian, baptist, buddha, judism, etc.
-Secularism- Separation of state and church. Praying in school is one popular controversial subject dealing with this.
Why is our country so much more diverse than other countries?
Is America too open to immigrants to the point where they overrun us in our own country?
Answers to Kyles questions:
ReplyDelete1.) With the first question kyle asked " why is our country so much more diverse then others?" I think we are because people had the "American Dream" and wanted to be part of America The Land of the free. People wanted to get away from their countries where they didnt have as much freedom.
2.)With his second question he asked "Is America too open to immigrants to the point where they overrun us in our own country?" For some things i do think that we do get overrun a little bit, for example when illegal immigrants come in our country and take american citizens job, i dont think thats right. People should be able to get work in their own country.
Answers for Tlindber's two questions
ReplyDelete1. The 'America' culture is different based on the fact that we do not have an exact set culture. We all share similarities like family, but at the same time, we all have beliefs, values, and goals that contradict with others'. We take cultures from other countries and mixed them together in our country. Certain areas may all share a same culture or belief, but the widespread of the country does not. Some are masculine while others are feminine. Some are individualistic while others take pride in group success.
2. I do believe kids should be required to say The Pledge of Allegiance in school. Even if their heritage is from another country or their culture at home reflects that of their home country, by living here in The United States and attending our school systems, they must be American citizens, therefore they should pay respects to the nation they are a part of.
Response to Maggie's Questions:
ReplyDelete1) How do you think the values and beliefs of today vary from the values and beliefs when america was first formed?
I think our values and beliefs of today vary from when it was first formed by how liberal we are right now. I think that when they were first formed everybody was supposed to have the same beliefs and values because they thought thats what would be right. Now days everyone has their own beliefs and values based on how they were brought up.
2) With all the different types of culture in america, what makes each person have those beliefs or morals?
I think that parents play a big roll in what beliefs and morals we all have today because they are the ones that influence us and teach us the the "rights and wrongs".
I would like to comment on monicas second question about just being mixture of other ethnicities. I believe we are a mixture, there is no "pure" american. We all talk about our heritage and being so much this and so much that.
ReplyDeletesecond question i will answer is Jake Horn's first question. I would say that we the people of the United States decide what is American and what isn't. Other people from other countries can say what they want but they do not make the final decision as to what is truly AMerican.
I would like to add to jhorn's response to kyle's questions.
ReplyDelete1) I agree that others come here to follow "The American Dream" but also because we are such a competitive nation we "recruit" professional sports athletes which draw attention and desire to follow their idols here.
2) I also agree that too many illegal immigrants get into the country every year, but the legal immigrants are what make this country unique.
sooo.. My computer isn't working the best. I have to do it all over again :/
ReplyDeleteWhen I think about people in the United States as whole, DIFFERENT. Nobody is the same here, maybe people try to act similar with each other but nobody is the same. Their are so many cultures, beliefs. and thats when multiculturalism falls into place. I think everyone in the United states grew up in an american way, we've been taught to push yourself and follow your dreams.
Individualism- being myself, having ways in life that are different from other people.
Capitalism- is a economic system that involves private individuals.
Modernism- is a what happens back in the modern world. modern character.
Religiosity- its religion
Secularism- rejections to all faith.
1. Why are all people categorized in different races?
2. How many cultures do we actually have in the US?
This is to- mvalesan questions!
ReplyDelete1.) Do you believe having many different "cultures" in America is right? Why or why not?
I believe that its fine having all these different cultures because it brings life to everyone. I'm Native American so Ive learned alot as a child and its exciting to know what culture I'm involved with! so yes i think its right! how can you express your individuality if were all the same?
2.) How would you feel if we didn't have the freedom to express our individuality? Would you do anything about it? Yes I think the world would be more confusing as it is. This is an interesting question because I never thought of this, if I couldn't express who I am, I'd probably be living in a hole.
I believe now a days the American culture should be looked at and defined as “Multiculturalism”. Back in the old days I would have a different opionion because I believe Americans did only have one culture because of the strict rules. Like when the mother stayed home and the father worked that’s just how it was. But in more modern days Americans do whatever they want to make themselves happy. They don’t have to have a set religion or a religion at all, you can do whatever you want within the law. I wouldn’t say there is a common culture shared between Americans. Ya, most americans like to eat fast food and drink acholcol but all Americans are different from one another, that’s what makes America so great. I would describe it Freedom with hard work if that makes any sense. Americans have the Freedom to do whatever they would like and almost all Americans who work are damn hard workers.
I think individulism means you are who you for a reason. You can do whatever you want that makes you who you are. You can talk the way you want, dress, and express yourself the way you want. You don’t have to listen to anyone else about yourself.
The word capitalism is now quite commonly used to describe the social system in which we now live. Capitalism is a relatively new social system, that the American culutre is based off of.
Modernism is modern thought, character, or practice of onesself. This also means the change that Americans sometimes look for and looking to start something new that is better then what is in place now. We have this as Americans because we look at ourselves as the best country in the world and were always trying to one up everyone else.
Religiosity- I feel this just means you have the freedom in this country to have whatever religion you want. You don’t have to believe in god in American you have that choice. You can believe in whatever faith you would like and be free and happy with it.
Secularism- I feel the definiton is the that government should exist separately from religious beliefs. You shouldn’t have to believe in something you don’t want to, going back to religiosity you have the freedom to either believe in whatever you want or not even believe at all.
Do you ever think American with ever have one culture? If so when?
What are the qualities of a good american with culture?
my answers to lscharp's questions
ReplyDelete1. Why doesn’t America have a defined culture like other countries?
I believe we don’t have a define culture because everyone does whatever they want now. People don’t come to America to be bossed around or told what to do. They come here and stay because it is the land of the free and you have the right to believe or do whatever that makes one self happy. I don’t think American will ever have one set culture just because we have way too many different personalities out there that don’t mix well together.
2. Could anyone positively/accurately define the American culture?
No, I don’t think you could accurately define American culture because one don’t have one set culture, yeah there are some people out there that many do have the same beliefs but there are also people who are on the exact opposite end of the pole. I’m not sure if someone else can accurately define our culture but I can for sure tell you I can’t.